
Dive Into the Spiritual Depths of Tasawuf Today

In today’s fast-paced world, the quest for inner peace and spiritual fulfillment is more crucial than ever. For Muslims, the practices of Tasawuf (Sufism) offer a path to deepening one’s connection with Allah (SWT) and achieving a state of spiritual purity. This blog post aims to guide you through the rich and profound practices of Tasawuf, providing insights into its practical applications. Whether you are new to the concept or looking to deepen your understanding, this article will illuminate the core of sufism and its practice in daily life.

Branches of Tasawuf

There are four major and established branches (Silsilas) of Tasawuf that the spiritual scholars agree on i.e Silsila Qadri’, Silsila Chistiya, Silsila Naqshbandi, and Silsila Suhrawardiyah. The foundation of each Silsila lies on some common principles but each has its own roots and practices.

Core Principles and Practices

At the heart of sufism lies a set of core principles that guide its followers on their spiritual journey. These principles include:

  • Tawhid – The oneness of Allah and recognizing His presence in all things.
  • Ihsan – Striving for excellence in worship and conduct.
  • Dhikr – The remembrance of Allah through recitation and meditation.
  • Tazkiyah – The purification of the soul from sins and negative traits.

4 silsila sufism

Daily devotional practices of Silsala Naqshbandi by Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi are outlined here:

Feeling the Presence of Lord

A faithful individual, termed as Salik is encouraged to remember Allah Almighty in every moment. Allah Says in Quran:

…Remember Allah—whether you are standing, sitting, or lying down… [Surah Nisa:103]

Throughout the day, a Salik diligently tends to his earthly responsibilities while keeping a constant connection with Allah in his heart and mind. Similarly, just as a lover thinks of his beloved numerous times each day, a believer consumed by love for Allah will find himself engrossed in thoughts of Him. This state of directing one’s heart and mind towards Allah continuously is known as Wuquf Qalbi.

The Practice of Muraqaba

Muraqaba, or spiritual mindfulness, is another essential practice in tasawuf. It involves constant awareness of Allah’s presence and reflecting on one’s thoughts, actions, and intentions.

In the famous hadith of Jibril, The Prophet PBUH responded by explaining that Ihsan is worshipping Allah with such devotion as if one is directly seeing Him. However, since we cannot physically see Allah, we must be mindful that He sees us at all moments.

This concept encapsulates the essence of muraqaba, which involves a servant’s unwavering awareness and firm belief that Allah is constantly observing both their internal thoughts and external actions. Maintaining this awareness and certainty throughout every moment is what defines muraqabah.

Dhikr and Its Importance

Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah, is a fundamental practice in Tasawuf. It is mentioned in a hadith that:

“The example of one who remembers Allah Almighty and one who does not remember is that of the living and the dead.” [Bukhari: 6407]

Dhikr involves the repetition of specific phrases and names of Allah, often accompanied by rhythmic movements or breathing techniques. Dhikr serves to cleanse the heart, focus the mind, and draw the seeker closer to Allah. Regular practice of dhikr can lead to profound spiritual experiences and a heightened sense of inner peace. Most recommended Dhikr are sending salutations to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH 100 times daily with sincerity and humility and seeking forgiveness (istighfar) 100 times daily with a regret for sins.

The Role of a Spiritual Guide (Shaykh)

A shaykh, or spiritual guide, plays a crucial role in the practice of spirituality. The shaykh provides guidance, support, and mentorship to seekers on their spiritual path. Through personalized instruction and wisdom, the shaykh helps the murid (disciple) overcome spiritual obstacles and cultivate a deeper connection with Allah. This is termed as self-purification (Tazkiyah). Allah says in Quran:

…and follow the way of those who turn to Me in devotion. [Surah Luqman:15]

Selecting a spiritual mentor should be done with care, seeking someone who exemplifies the principles of Tasawuf and demonstrates a deep commitment to the teachings of Islam. The relationship between a shaykh and murid is built on trust, respect, and mutual commitment to spiritual growth.

Recitation of Quran

Core of Tasawuf lies on attaining the love of Allah. The essence of this spiritual practice is to develop a deep, personal connection with the Divine. According to many spiritual scholars, the most effective path to this divine love is through engaging with the word of Allah, as revealed in the Quran. Allah says:

So recite, whatever you can from the Quran. [Surah Muzammil:20]

Immersing oneself in the study and recitation of the Quran helps to cultivate a heart that is in tune with the divine will, fostering a profound love and understanding of Allah.

Tazkiyah (Purification of the Soul)

Tazkiyah refers to the process of purifying the soul from negative traits such as arrogance, jealousy, and greed. This practice is essential for achieving spiritual growth and drawing closer to Allah (SWT). Allah says in Quran:

Successful indeed are those who purify themselves. [Surah A’la:14]

The process of Tazkiyah involves self-examination, repentance, and striving to adopt positive characteristics such as humility, patience, and gratitude. It is an ongoing effort that requires dedication, sincerity and most importantly, support of Shaykh.


Tasawuf is a profound and enriching aspect of Islam that offers a path to inner purification and spiritual growth. By understanding and practicing its principles, Muslims can achieve a deeper connection with Allah (SWT) and lead more meaningful lives. If you are inspired to explore it further, consider joining a local Halqa of Majlis e Dhikr, seeking guidance from a Shaykh, or engaging with online resources dedicated to Islamic spirituality. Embark on this spiritual journey and discover the transformative power of Tasawuf in your life.


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