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Step-by-Step Guide on How to Perform Salat Al Janazah Correctly!

Janaza prayer

In moments of loss and grief, finding solace in the rituals of faith can offer a sense of peace and closure. Salat al Janazah, also known as Prayer for Janaza, is the Islamic funeral prayer performed in honor of the deceased. This sacred act serves as a final tribute to the departed soul and a source of comfort for the bereaved. Embarking on this spiritual journey requires not just reverence but also guidance through each step of Salat al Janazah from the intention to reciting Janaza prayers.

Prophet PBUH mentioned that if a gathering of one hundred Muslims offers the Salat al Janazah for a deceased individual and collectively seek forgiveness from Allah for them, then their supplication will be granted.

Join us as we delve into a step-by-step guide on how to pray Janaza, unraveling its obligations, recommendations and offering insights into how this prayer honors both life and death in equal measure.

Method of Performing the Salat al Janazah

Method of performing salat al Janazah is very easy it includes two obligatory acts and three sunnah acts mentioned below:

The Obligations of the Prayer for Janaza

  1. Saying “Allahu Akbar” four times; each takbir is equivalent to one rak’ah (unit of prayer).
  2. Standing (qiyam) during the prayer for Janaza, just as standing is obligatory in other obligatory prayers and cannot be omitted without a valid excuse.

Three Sunnah Acts of Salat al Janazah

  1. Praising Allah.
  2. Sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
  3. Praying for the deceased.

How to Pray Salat al Janaza

The method of performing Salat al Janazah is as follows:

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) performed the salat al Janaza for a woman and stood in the middle of the coffin. [Bukhari]

“Any Muslim for whom three rows of Muslims pray the Janaza prayer, Allah will make Paradise obligatory for him.” [Tirmidhi]

Dua for Janaza Prayer


“Allahummaghfir lihayyina wa mayyitina, wa shahidina wa ghaaibina, wa saghirina wa kabirina, wa dhakarina wa unthana. Allahumma man ahyaytahu minna fa ahyihi ‘ala al-Islam, wa man tawaffaytahu minna fa tawaffahu ‘ala al-Iman.”

Translation: “O Allah, forgive our living and our dead, those present and those absent, our young and our old, our males and our females. O Allah, whomever You keep alive from among us, keep him alive upon Islam, and whomever You cause to die from among us, cause him to die upon faith.”

If one does not remember this supplication, it is sufficient to say “Allahummaghfir lahu” (for a male deceased) or “Allahummaghfir laha” (for a female deceased), or any other recommended supplications for forgiveness.

If the deceased is a minor boy, recite the following supplication:

Janaza Dua for Minor Boy

“Allahumma aj’alhu lana faratan wa aj’alhu lana ajran wa dhukhran wa aj’alhu lana shafi’an wa mushafa’an.”

Translation: “O Allah, make him for us a forerunner, a reward, and a treasure, and make him for us an intercessor and one whose intercession is accepted.”

If the deceased is a minor girl, recite the same supplication with the appropriate feminine pronouns:

Janaza Dua for Minor Girl

“Allahumma aj’alha lana faratan wa aj’alha lana ajran wa dhukran wa aj’alha lana shafi’atan wa mushafa’atan.”

Translation: “O Allah, make her for us a forerunner, a reward, and a treasure, and make her for us an intercessor and one whose intercession is accepted.”


In conclusion, performing Salat al Janazah is a crucial duty for Muslims to fulfill in honoring the deceased and seeking forgiveness for them. It is a form of showing respect and solidarity within the Muslim community during times of loss. By following the specific steps and recitations outlined in this article, individuals can ensure that they are carrying out this important prayer correctly and with sincerity. Remembering the transient nature of life, Salat al Janazah serves as a reminder of our mortality and the importance of preparing for the Hereafter. Let us strive to perform this prayer diligently whenever called upon, fulfilling our obligation to support our fellow believers in their time of need.

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