Reward of Alhamdulillah and its importance in Islam

The beauty of Islam is that there are multiple ways to worship in order to increase good deeds and to seek blessings of Allah (SWT). One of those best ways is to recite Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, and Allahu Akbar. These words are very short but have immense rewards & benefits.

We all wish to weigh our scales with good deeds that would help us at the time of day of judgment, isn’t it? In this guide we will explore the virtue and reward of saying Alhamdulillah. Well, this Dhikr could really be one of the best opportunities to increase good deeds, and also sins being forgiven even if they are as abundant as the foam of the sea. Also read the reward of saying Inna lillah.

The Literal Meaning of Alhamdulillah

Alhamdulillah in Arabic “ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّٰهِ” translates to “All praise is due to Allah.” It is an expression of gratitude and appreciation, commonly used by Muslims in various contexts. This phrase is often spoken during prayers, achieving an accomplishment, or in response to good news, signifying acknowledgment of Allah’s blessings and mercy. Reciting this phrase serves not only as a reminder of one’s blessings but also helps cultivate a mindset of gratitude, encouraging individuals to focus on the positives in their lives.

Difference between Praise & Thanksgiving


The world prais and thanksgiving are two different origins. Praise means praising someone based on their voluntary qualities. thanksgiving means respecting one’s with tongue, heart, or limbs in reward of his kindness, and that is why we usually praise Allah Almighty in view of his kindness. That is why we have this praise and gratitude only for Allah Almighty.

The Virtue of Saying Alhamdulillah

Numerous hadiths have mentioned many virtues of praising and glorifying Allah Almighty. 

 Anas bin Malik narrated that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Allah is pleased with the servant that he should praise Allah when he eats something and praise Allah when he drinks something. (Muslim)

It is narrated on the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah that the Prophet (PBUH) said, The best remembrance is La ilaha illa Allah and the best supplication is Alhamdulillah (Ibn Majah)

Reward of Alhamdulillah

The Holy Prophet(PBUH)said: “Say Subhanallah 100 times, as it holds the reward of freeing one hundred slaves from the lineage of Ismael. Similarly, say Alhamdulillah 100 times, which is like having one hundred horses equipped and prepared for those who strive in the path of Allah. Additionally, say Allahuakbar 100 times; this is equivalent to sacrificing one hundred camels in devotion to Allaah. (Muslim)

Reward Equals to Charity

A group of impoverished Emigrants approached the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and expressed their feelings, saying, “the rich have achieved all the esteemed positions and eternal rewards”. He PBUH inquired, “what do you mean by that”? They explained, “they perform prayers like we do and fast as we do, but they contribute to charity while we cannot, and they free slaves whereas we are unable todo so”.

The Messenger (peace be upon him) responded, “would you like me to share with you a method that will enable you to keep pace with those who have gone before you and surpass those who come after? No one will outdo you unless they engage in the same practice”. They replied eagerly, “Yes, indeed, O Messenger of Allah”. He instructed them to say: “Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar thirty-three times at the conclusion of each prayer.

Source of Great Blessings

If there is any beauty in a picture, it is in fact a reflection of the artist’s masterpiece. Imagination has no beauty of its own, nor does it have any personal perfection of its own.  In the same way, if there is any beauty and perfection in a creature, then actually the beauty and perfection is of the creator not of the creature. Therefore, the real deserving for thanks and praise is Allah Almighty. That is why the Holy Prophet (saw) said: This word Alhamdulillah is such a great and exalted word that fills the heavens and the earth with its blessings.

When to say Alhumdulillah?

Alhamdulillah Ala Kulli Haal. Always express gratitude by saying this phrase. When someone inquires about health, respond with Alhamdulillah. If you’re feeling unwell and someone asks how you’re doing, in conversations about your business, receiving compliments, achieving something or finding something valuable, express it with Alhamdulillah. No matter what happens in your life as the significance of this phrase is profound. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized that this phrase holds greater value for him than all worldly possessions.

Wisdom behind the Word ‘Hamd’

There is a wisdom behind starting the Holy Qur’an with this phrase. Remember that the opening surah of the Quran is also inaugurated with this word. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. This phrase has a great value.  It is important to know the word ‘Hamd’ well before understanding it. Usually it is translated with only one word “Ta’reef” (praise).  However, “Ta’reef” is also an Arabic word and “Hamd” is also an Arabic word and it is a general rule that two words of the language are not synonymous at all. There must be some difference in their meaning. If we look deeper, the word Hamd has two meanings.


In conclusion, the simple act of saying Alhamdulillah not only serves as an expression of gratitude but also fosters a deeper connection with our faith and enhances our overall well-being. By bringing the blessings in our lives, we make a positive mindset that can transform our perspective and interactions with others. This powerful phrase encourages mindfulness, reminding us to appreciate both the big and small gifts that life offers. Moreover, it can strengthen our patience during challenging times, providing comfort and solace through acknowledgment of divine wisdom. Let us make a conscious effort to incorporate this simple phrase into our daily lives and inspire those around us to embrace gratitude as a pathway to joy.

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