Rewards of Lailatul Jaiza: The Night Before Eid al-Fitr

The night before Eid al-Fitr, known as the night of reward or Lailatul Jaiza, is a joyous occasion for Muslims worldwide. After a month of fasting and tarawih during Ramadan, this is the night of receiving the reward from the Lord for the whole month’s struggle. This night stands as the precipice from which faithful observers leap into the festive celebrations of Eid al-Fitr. Let’s explore why this night is so special, and how we can reap its full rewards.

Understanding Lailatul Jaiza

Lailatul Jaiza is a night closely associated with reward. It is said to be a night when the heavens are open, and prayers are accepted. The Prophet (PBUH) said, there are five nights on which dua is not rejected; one of those five is ‘The night before Eid al-Fitr’. The term ‘Jaiza’ denotes a return or compensation, underlining the idea of reaping what one has sewn in the best possible way.

The night before eid

What to Do on Lailatul Jaiza?

The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of this night. So, several actions can optimize one’s preparation for this sacred night:

Acts of Worship

These actions include increasing one’s acts of worship, particularly through prayer, remembrance of Allah, seeking forgiveness, and performing the night prayer. By dedicating oneself to worship and good deeds on Lailatul Jaiza, one can expect to receive a multitude of rewards.

Special Prayers and Practices

In addition to the obligatory prayers, specific or increased acts of worship are recommended on the night before Eid. In a hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Whoever stands up in the nights preceding two eids expecting the rewards from Almighty, his heart will not die when the other hearts will die” [Ibn Majah:1782]

It is mustahabb to pray Tahajjud, recite the Quran, and seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty as it will bring peace and blessings.

The Power of Reflection and Prayer

Spending time in deep reflection is a powerful way to reap Lailatul Fitr’s rewards. It is a time to ask for forgiveness and to seek a deeper connection with Allah Almighty. The tradition of waking up in the middle of the night and engaging in heartfelt dua can be transformational. It allows for an intimate conversation with the Divine, where one can ask for guidance and blessings throughout life.

Acts of Kindness and Generosity

One of the most rewarding actions on Lailatul Jaiza is to show kindness and generosity. It is a time to share one’s blessings by feeding the hungry, contributing and reaching out to the needy with obligatory charity (Zakat al Fitr), and helping them. these acts of kindness reflect the spirit of Ramadan and Eid.

Stop Shopping and Home Decoration

Don’t waste your time in shopping or decorating your homes, the night before Eid is a night of rewards. Spend this night, praying and seeking forgiveness as it is a reward for the month of Ramadan. Only the wise can seize it and not waste their time in home decoration and wandering in the markets.

Community and Family Bonding

Lailatul Jaiza is not only a time for individual reward but also for sharing joy with others. Strengthening family bonds and greeting those who completed their Itikaf, are also considered acts of worship.

Receiving the Rewards of Lailatul Jaiza

The concept of ‘reward’ in the Islamic context encompasses both tangible benefits in this life and the promise of blessings in the Hereafter:

The Spiritual Fulfillment

For many, the greatest reward of the night before Eid is the profound spiritual fulfillment that comes with dedicating the night to prayer, duas, and meditation. This spiritual growth can lead to a deeper connection with one’s faith and an enhanced understanding of one’s purpose in life.

The Night of Forgiveness

This is the night reward, the time to receive blessings from the Lord Almighty. The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said:

“In the last night of Ramadan, forgiveness is granted to the fasting person.” The companions asked: “O Messenger of Allah! Is Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Forgiveness of which you speak?” He replied: “No, rather, it is the practice that at the time of finishing work, the laborers are given their wages.” (Musnad Ahmad)

How foolish one would be, Who remains engaged in celebrating Ramadan, Seeking forgiveness continuously, Engaged in worship and devotion, And precisely at the time of receiving blessings, loses it in the markets.”

The Promise of the Hereafter

The rewards of Lailatul Jaiza extend into the Hereafter, with numerous hadiths describing the immense blessings awaiting those who observe the night with sincerity. Allah’s pleasure and forgiveness of sins are among the most coveted rewards promised to the faithful.

The Promise of Jannah

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that:

“Whoever enlivens (spends the night in worship during) the four nights by means of worship, for him Paradise becomes obligatory:

  1. Laylat al-Tarwiyah (the night of the 8th of Dhu al-Hijjah)
  2. Arafah (the night of the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah)
  3. Laylat al-Nahr (the night of the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah)
  4. Laylat al-Fitr (the night of Eid al-Fitr)

Salvation from Hellfire

Allah Almighty grants salvation from Hell to many people during the blessed month of Ramadan, but on this one night, salvation from Hell is granted to even more people. Therefore, this Night before Eid al-Fitr is very virtuous, a night to attain rewards.


The night before Eid al-Fitr is a time of immense spiritual significance and potential reward. By engaging in acts of worship, fostering a spirit of giving, and strengthening community ties, one can ensure that they make the most of this special night. The rewards for one’s efforts are immediate and everlasting, reflecting the mercy and bounties of Allah. May we all strive to observe Lailatul Jaiza with utmost sincerity and dedication, and may our actions be a reward for us and all of humanity. Eid Mubarak!


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