7 Signs of Accepted Hajj Every Pilgrim Should Know

Every year, millions of Muslims from across the globe converge on the holy city of Mecca to perform Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam. This spiritual voyage is a profound milestone in a Muslim’s life, believed to erase all past sins and bring the pilgrim closer to Allah. However, not all Hajj experiences are the same; there’s a special status that comes with performing a Hajj e Mabroor or an “accepted Hajj.” Such an accepted Hajj not only absolves one of their wrongdoings but also ensures their efforts are rewarded by Allah.

Understanding what constitutes an accepted Hajj and striving to achieve it is essential for every pilgrim. Here, we discuss the seven signs of accepted Hajj as derived from Islamic traditions, offering practical advice to help pilgrims fulfill this blessed pursuit.

Read also the virtues of Hajj e Mabroor and its everlasting impact on lives.

Exploring the Seven Signs of Accepted Hajj

The concept of Hajj e Mabroor stems from a Hadith where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that an accepted Hajj has no reward other than Paradise. Here are the seven signs of accepted Hajj:

1. Performing All Rituals According to the Sunnah

The foundation of Hajj e Mabroor lies in adhering strictly to the Sunnah—following the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This encompasses all the rituals, from Ihram to Tawaf, Sa’i, standing on the plains of Arafat, and stoning the pillars, performed with the utmost devotion and under Islamic teachings.

2. Free From Hypocrisy and Seeking Fame

True intention (Niyyah) is one of the pillars of Hajj. Your Hajj should be an endeavor undertaken solely for the sake of Allah, devoid of any desire for worldly recognition or praise. An accepted Hajj is marked by the pilgrim’s inward purity, where actions are not tainted by the stains of ostentation.

3. Avoidance of Sins Throughout the Pilgrimage

Hajj with right Intention

A Hajj free from sin is a signal towards Hajj e Mabrur. From the moment you wear the Ihram till the end of your pilgrimage, maintaining a state of nobility is essential. Pilgrims should perform rituals without committing any sins such as backbiting, avoiding evil glances, engaging in quarrels, wasting food, and all sinful acts. This period of spiritual discipline serves as a means to elevate your faith and consciousness of Allah’s omnipresence.

4. Performing Hajj with Halal Wealth

The financial means through which the Hajj is undertaken bears significant weight. Hajj e Mabr00r necessitates that the expenditure incurred is sourced from halal (permissible) wealth. The sanctity of the pilgrimage is upheld when the provisions are pure, reflecting the sincerity of the pilgrim’s devotion.

5. Longing for the Hereafter Over Worldly Allure

A profound longing for the Hereafter, over the fleeting allure of this worldly life, is one of the signs of accepted Hajj. This eternal perspective shapes the pilgrim’s priorities, drawing them closer to Allah and fostering a life of spiritual depth and fulfillment.

6. Absolution of Sins after Returning from Hajj

One of the most beautiful rewards of a Hajj e Mabrur is returning as free from sin as the day one was born. The true transformation and spiritual cleansing manifest in a pilgrim’s life post-Hajj, exhibiting a fresh start filled with righteous deeds and a turn towards continuous remembrance of Allah.

7. Engaged in Righteous Deeds after Returning from Hajj

Post-Hajj life is a true test of a pilgrim’s commitment to the path of righteousness. A sign of an accepted Hajj is the lasting impact it has on an individual’s everyday actions—engaging in prayers, charity, fasting, and being an embodiment of Islam’s teachings in character and deed.

Practical Advice for Embarking on An Accepted Hajj

To embody these signs of accepted Hajj, pilgrims must prepare mentally, spiritually, and physically before their journey. Making sincere repentance, learning the rituals of Hajj, planning the trip with halal provisions, and maintaining a heart focused on worship and remembrance of Allah throughout the pilgrimage are all practical steps towards achieving Hajj e Mabrur.


An accepted Hajj holds the potential to transform a believer’s life completely, setting them on a path filled with righteousness and devotion. While the signs of accepted Hajj serve as a guide, the true measure of acceptance lies with Allah alone. Therefore, the intention, effort, and prayer behind the pilgrimage are what truly matter.

For those blessed with the opportunity to perform Hajj, remember it’s a privilege and a responsibility. Strive earnestly, seek forgiveness passionately, and cherish every moment of this divine expedition. May Allah accept your Hajj and may your spiritual journey mark the beginning of a profound, lifelong devotion to seeking Allah’s pleasure.

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