Suggestions For Improving Marital Relationship
Marriage is one of the most cherished relationships in life, designed by Allah Almighty as a source of comfort, love, and companionship. In the Quran, Allah speaks of the unique bond between husband and wife as a sign of His mercy and wisdom, where He has placed affection and tranquility between them. In sahih hadith, it is mentioned as a source of completing the faith. Yet, building and nurturing a harmonious marital relationship is a journey that requires effort, understanding, and mutual support from both partners.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the purpose of marriage, and practical suggestions for strengthening the marital relationship, focusing on responsibilities for both husbands and wives that foster peace, gratitude, and a nurturing environment at home. These small but significant steps can transform a home into a haven of love and tranquillity, fulfilling the divine purpose of marriage
Purpose of Marital Relationships in Islam
Allah Almighty, in His wisdom, emphasized the purpose of marriage in the Holy Quran:
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, these are signs for people who give thought.” (Al Rum – 21)
This verse reminds us that the marital relationship between husband and wife is a pathway to peace and comfort. The true center of peace and tranquillity should be our home, where family members can share a sense of calm and belonging. Without this peace, a home becomes a place of emptiness, often leading to individuals seeking comfort elsewhere.
Creating and maintaining a harmonious marital relationship takes effort from both partners. Here are some responsibilities of husband and wife in marriage to strengthen their bond.
Responsibilities of Wife

1. Creating a Welcoming Home
A wife’s efforts to maintain a warm and welcoming home make a significant difference in the husband’s life. After a long day, when the husband returns home tired, he longs for a calm and clean environment. Keeping the house organized and tidy helps create a peaceful atmosphere, which in turn helps to nurture love and appreciation in the relationship.
2. Embracing Gratitude
Gratitude is a powerful tool in maintaining a peaceful home. A woman’s strength lies in her ability to make sacrifices, and it is essential to avoid complaints and instead focus on thankfulness. A woman can foster a positive atmosphere by expressing gratitude for what Allah has provided. Complaints and ingratitude can often lead to dissatisfaction, so practicing thankfulness is crucial.
3. Fulfilling Core Responsibilities
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlighted essential duties for women:
- Performing daily prayers
- Observing fasts in Ramadan
- Maintaining honor and dignity
- Respecting and supporting the husband
By fulfilling these, a woman strengthens her relationship and earns Allah’s blessings.
Responsibilities of Husband

1. Recognizing the Rights of the Wife
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of treating wives with kindness: “The best of you is the one who is kind to his family.” (Tirmidhi). Husbands are advised to provide for their wives and avoid harsh behavior, keeping in mind the emotional nature of women and placing reasonable expectations.
2. Providing Encouragement
A wife often places high hopes on her husband, relying on him for her and her children’s well-being. Acknowledging and encouraging her efforts, whether in caring for the home or nurturing the children, goes a long way in strengthening the relationship. Simple words of appreciation can make her feel valued and motivated.
3. Offering Practical Help
Small acts of assistance in daily chores can mean a lot to a wife. Helping with tasks such as setting the table, organizing the bed, or spending time with the children gives her a break and shows appreciation for her efforts. These small actions foster mutual respect and create a supportive environment.
4. Strengthening her Connection to Faith
A husband’s role in supporting his wife’s spiritual journey is a valuable way to strengthen both the marital bond and the family’s connection to faith. Ensuring that the wife has access to Quranic education is not only a form of respect for her spiritual needs but also a responsibility that benefits the family as a whole. Whether it involves arranging Quran classes, providing resources, or simply encouraging her learning, a husband’s support in this area fosters a shared commitment to Islamic values.
Mutual Goals for a Peaceful Home
1. Shared Spirituality
Families can benefit immensely from setting aside a few minutes daily for collective spirituality, such as reading a religious book or praying together. This practice not only enhances spiritual well-being but also brings family members closer.
2. Appreciating and Respecting Each Other
A healthy marital relationship thrives on mutual respect and appreciation. Whether it’s complimenting your spouse’s efforts in the kitchen, acknowledging their hard work, or simply expressing gratitude, these acts strengthen the bond between husband and wife. Remember, a home built on appreciation and kindness becomes a source of comfort and joy.
Following these suggestions for improving marital relationships can help nurture a peaceful and loving environment at home. By embracing these principles, both husbands and wives can work together to create a relationship filled with mutual respect, support, and love. When each partner takes responsibility for their role, they not only strengthen their relationship but also set an example for future generations.