virtues of ramadan

Exploring the Virtues of Ramadan

For the Muslims around the world, Ramadan is not just a month on the calendar; it’s a sacred interval inscribed with virtues that touch the soul and transform lives. It’s a time when Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, refraining from food, drink, smoking, and intercourse. Yet the Ramadan virtues extends beyond fasting; it enclosed countless spiritual benefits that can invigorate the human spirit as well as blessings of Almighty. In this deep exploration, we’ll uncover the virtues of Ramadan, unveiling the essence of this holy month and its profound impact on believers.

Also read, how to maximize Ramadan advantages.

Exploring the Virtues of Ramadan

Immense Reward for Observers

Fasting during Ramadan is third pillar of Islam, promised an immense reward for believers. It’s a time of spiritual enrichment, with immense reward as compared to any other act of worship. Every action, every step taken in this month, with the intention of seeking Allah’s pleasure, multiplies in virtue, with rewards ranging from ten to seven hundred times. Allah Almighty declares fasting an exception, stating:

“It is solely for Me, and I shall grant its reward directly.”

The Opening of the Gates of Heaven

In Ramadan, the gates of heaven are opened, and the gates of hell locked away. It’s a time when the pathways to forgiveness and mercy are wide and accessible, encouraging believers to seek repentance and closeness to Allah Almighty. Expressing the virtues of Ramadan, the Prophet (prophet peace be upon him) said:

… during this time, the gates of Paradise are wide open, the entrances to Hell-fire are sealed, and the insurrectionary devils are chained up. Within these days, there exists a night better than a thousand months in virtue. To miss out on its blessings is to miss out profoundly (Nasa’i)

Shield Against Hellfire

Fasting is a defensive act of worship, a strategic move in the spiritual battlefield that protects the observer from the harm of sin and transgression. Prophet (peace be upon him) defines the virtues of Ramadan as it was the shield against hellfire.

Atonement for Sins

Ramadan is a beacon in the darkness, illuminating the path of righteousness. The act of fasting, when observe with piety, is a means of atoning for past sins. Each day of fasting is an opportunity to wipe the devastating sins and returning to the purity of the soul.

Strengthening the Relationship with Allah

The night prayers, the recitation of the Quran, repentance and the increased charity, all conjoined efforts enhance the virtues of Ramadan. These acts of worship contribute to strengthening the bond between the believer and Allah. It’s a time for intense devotion, a chance to draw closer to the divine.

Five Rewards from Allah Almighty

Upon the arrival of Ramadan, Allah bestows five rewards to those who fast. Prophet (peace be upon him) said, mentioning the virtues of Ramadan:

“My nation was given five things in Ramadan that none had been given before me

  • On first night Allah looks at them with mercy and He will never punish whomever He looks at.
  • The smell of observer’s mouth (which is caused by hunger) is better than the smell of musk in the sight of Allah.
  • The angels pray for forgiveness for them every night and day.
  • Allah says to heaven, “Be adorned for my servants, soon they will find relief from the hardships of the world in my house and mercy.”
  • When the last night of the month of Ramadan comes, Allah forgives everyone.”

Companionship of Followers and Martyrs

By observing fasts during Ramadan, worshippers not only follow the tradition of their Prophet but also seek a chance to join the noble company of those who have laid down their lives for Islam. They stand alongside Siddiqin (the followers of Prophet) and the martyrs.

Once, a man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and asked if I testify that there is no worthy of worship except Allah and you are His messenger, pray Salah five times a day, pay zakah (the obligatory charity), observe fasting in Ramadan and stand in night prayers, than who I am? The Prophet replied certainly from Siddiqin and from martyrs. (Ibn Hibban: 3438)

Get Your Prayers Accepted

During Ramadan, prayers are said to be accepted more readily. It’s a time when all walls and curtains between the servant and the Lord are removed, enabling a more direct communication and a better chance at fulfillment of their desires. The messenger of Allah said:

The prayers of three individuals are never turned away: the one who fasts until he breaks his fast (on time), a leader who is just, and the plea of someone who has suffered oppression… (Tirmidhi: 3598)

Intercession on the Day of Judgment

The fasts of Ramadan will be given the authority of intercession on the Day of Judgment, pleading on behalf of the one who fasted. It’s a day when every soul will be in need, and the fast of Ramadan will act as a friend in the direst of times. The Prophet said:

On the Day of Qiyyamah, both fasting and Quran shall speak on behalf of the believer. Fasting will plea, ‘O Lord, I kept this person away from eating and desires throughout the daytime, grant me the honor to intercede for them.’ Similarly, the Qur’an will plea, ‘I occupied him during the night, preventing from sleeping; may my plea for him be accepted.’ Consequently, their intercession will be accepted. (Ahmad: 6626)

Be Forgiven

For those who fast during Ramadan, Allah promises to forgive their sins, as virtues of Ramadan stated by the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). It’s a mercy showered upon those who endeavor to mark their days of Ramadan with remembrance and worship of Allah Almighty.

Those who fast (in another hadith it is also mentioned that who devoutly offer night prayers) during Ramadan with steadfast faith and in the hope of (divine) reward will have their past sins forgiven (Bukhari: 2014)

This hadith is a reminder of the significance of fasting and night prayers during Ramadan. It highlights that those who sincerely perform these two worships during this blessed month will have their previous sins forgiven, leading to spiritual purification and growth.

Month of Quran

Virtues of Ramadan is due to the reason that, it is the month in which the Quran was revealed. As it is mentioned in Quran that it is month in which Allah Almighty reveal the Holy Quran. That is why Quran recitation in tarawihs is the core of this sacred month. The divine verses act as a balm for the soul, guiding and inspiring devotees to a life of virtue and goodness.

Source of Piety

Ramadan infuses the spirit with piety, a deep reverence for Allah and a humble acknowledgment of one’s place in the grand scheme of creation. It ignites a fire within, urging believers to act with compassion, mindful of divine presence. Allah Almighty described the purpose of fasting as the attainment of piety (Taqwah) in Quran:

Believers, fasting is prescribed for you—as it was for those who came before you—so that you may cultivate righteousness (Taqwa).

Blessing of Suhoor

The pre-dawn meal of Suhoor isn’t merely a nutritional necessity; it’s a blessing that fortifies the body and soul for the rigors of the fast. It’s a communal activity that encourages family and fellowship, setting the tone for the day and enhances the significance and virtues of Ramadan for believers.

Fasting is Half of Patience

Practicing and developing patience is one of the virtues of Ramadan. As it is mentioned in Hadith:

Observing fast is one half of patience (Bukhari)

It’s an endurance test, a challenge that, when conquered, leads to a higher state of being where patience is a benchmark for personal growth.

Reward of Standing at Night Prayer

The additional night prayers, known as Taraweeh, are a source of great reward during Ramadan. They are an occasion for spiritual enlightenment, a chance to stand before Allah in solitary prayer seeking His benevolence. Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

Those who devoutly offer night prayers during Ramadan with faith and in the hope of (divine) reward will have their past sins forgiven. (Bukhari: 2014)

Great Reward of Laylat al-Qadr

The Night of Qadr, which falls within the last ten days of Ramadan, marks the occasion when the Quran was first revealed. It is a night of superior importance, with one’s worship on this night equated to a thousand months of devotion.

Conclusion – Virtues of Ramadan

The virtues of Ramadan are numerous and nuanced, each one a facet of a spiritual jewel that adorns the believer’s life. Observing the fasts of Ramadan is an act of love and gratitude, a response to the call of the Lord. It’s an experience that transcends the physical realm, blessings, spirituality and piety. Every moment of this sacred month is full of blessings and gratitude.

Ramadan is a month of Almighty and the Virtues of fasting in Ramadan are numerous. It is not just about abstaining from food; it’s about feeding the soul, nourishing the spirit, and fortifying the connection with the Almighty.

With the dawn of each Ramadan, comes the sunrise of new beginnings, the hope of transformation, and the promise of a merciful Lord. It’s a time for reflection, of repentance and renewal, a time to bask in the glow of the divine and emerge from the month, not just with a full stomach, but with a full heart, and a fulfilled soul

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