What Does the Quran Say About Love?

(What Does the Quran Say About Love?) Love is a universal human emotion that has been explored by poets, philosophers, and theologians for centuries. In Islam, love is seen as a fundamental aspect of the human condition and a gift from Allah SWT. The Quran is full of verses that speak about love, both in terms of human relationships and the relationship between humans and Allah SWT. In this blogpost we will explore the different faces of love for enjoyment and inner peace. We will also learn about the kinds of love which is required by Allah Almighty in Quran and Hadith.

Words of Love in the Quran

The Quran uses a variety of words to describe love, including:

What does quran say about love

The Many Faces of Human Love

The Quran recognizes that there are many types of human love, including:

The Quran also teaches that human love can be a source of great joy and blessing. It can motivate us to be kind, compassionate, and generous. It can also give us strength and resilience in times of difficulty.

The Love is Natural Phenomenon

Love is natural phenomenon, which is beautifully articulated in the Quran, where it is regarded as a fundamental aspect of human existence. The Quran describes love as a source of pleasure for human in this worldly life. Allah Almighty says in Quran:

People are attracted to the love of things they desire, such as women, children, abundant wealth, fine horses, livestock, and fertile land. These are the pleasures of worldly life, but Allah holds the ultimate reward. (Surah Al Imran)

The Love that Binds us to the Dunya

The Quran warns against the dangers of excessive love for the material world (dunya). This type of love can lead to greed, arrogance, and selfishness. It can also distract us from the worship of Allah SWT.

Would you choose the temporary pleasures of this world over the eternal bliss of the Hereafter? The fleeting satisfaction of this earthly life pales in comparison to what awaits in the Hereafter. (Surah Tawbah)

From Devotion to Obsession: Love for Other People and Its Inverse

Human love can be a powerful force for good, but it can also be destructive if it is not rooted in faith and reason. When our love for another person becomes an obsession, it can lead to jealousy, possessiveness, and even violence.

When Human Love Meets the Divine: Devotion to Allah SWT

The Quran teaches that the highest form of love is love for Allah SWT. This type of love is pure, unconditional, and everlasting. It is a love that transcends all other loves.

The Nature of Love for Allah (SWT)

The love of Allah SWT is not like human love. It is a love that is based on perfect knowledge, infinite mercy, and absolute justice. Love for Allah is not merely an emotion or a fleeting sentiment, but a conscious choice to submit to His will with deep gratitude and humility. It entails finding solace in seeking His forgiveness and guidance, knowing that His love is constant and unconditional.

Embracing this love can reshape our lives, infusing them with purpose, compassion, and sincerity towards all creation. Have you ever experienced the love of a mother for her children. It is based on mercy and solace for us. That’s why we say that a mother’s love is a reflection of god’s love.

Love for the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

Love for the Prophet is declared as the condition of faith. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) stated that:

No one truly believes until they love me more than their father, children, and all people. (Bukhari)

This requirement of loving Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is established as a fundamental aspect of faith. It emphasizes the significance of prioritizing love for the Prophet above all other individuals, including oneself.

Love for Faith


The love for faith is also deeply rooted in the concept of surrendering oneself to the will of Allah. This surrender is not just an act of submission, but also a manifestation of love and trust in the wisdom and guidance of Allah. The Quran emphasizes the importance of faith as a source of inner peace and pleasure of heart. Allah Almighty says in Quran:

Allah has made the faith dear to you and has instilled a sense of pleasure for it within your hearts. (Surah Hujurat : 7)

What is the Love of Allah SWT Like?

The Quran tells us that Allah SWT is the Most-Loving. This means that Allah SWT loves us more than we could ever love ourselves. He loves us despite our flaws and imperfections. The love of Allah SWT is like a gentle breeze that cools us on a hot day. It is like a warm embrace that comforts us in times of sorrow. It is like a guiding light that leads us through the darkness. Also Read


The Quran says about love as it is a fundamental aspect of the human nature and a gift from Allah SWT. It teaches us that there are many different types of nature and human love, and that human love can be a source of great joy and blessing. It also warns us against the dangers of excessive love for the material world and the importance of rooting our love for other people in faith and reason. Ultimately, the Quran teaches us that the highest form of love is love for Allah SWT, Prophet and love for faith.

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